----------------------- hi -----------------------
------------- thanks for visiting my page kind stranger -------------

Im a adult player (still very young, thank you very much) who decided to revisit a game of her childhood. (or rather teenagerhood.)

I was very active during 2012-2013 but stopped playing due to personal stuff. (The casual real life problems, nothing special.)

In "real life" im a graphic designer and a programmer so im playing howrse mostly for the distraction. (People from my line of work will probably know what i mean.)

I would very much like to meet new people here so if you feel like it pm me and we can chat. 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

Anyway thank you for visiting and have an amazing day. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

PS. and yes, before you ask that is infact Coven Morgana in my profile picture.