Whisper to me here!


I'm back! Thanks everybody for being so nice while the semi-retirement was on-going!

I'm randomly giving away a BMI To some nice people occasionaly!

Come board your horse in my EC its only 20 Equus a day!

I'm totally open to random message's, and friend request's!

I have way to many BMI's from events that i dont need ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

Come See this game! If you click on it and register through there i'll get points2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

I give out Birthday presents. PM me if you have a birthday

Furry-Paws.com: Your virtual dog could be the next champion!

 . . . ’,|;-,.¸ .¸¸ . . . ¸,.,¸
. . . . ¸,’ ¸,. . ¸ `-,”~-~’,¸,.¹-~-._¸,.
. . . . ) . ‘”¨ . .):. .`-,;:.`,’;;‘¸,.¹¯¸¸,.- The Punctuation Horse wants to be on
. . .,-’ , , , , ,-‘;:.. . .`-¸;:.`,’--~’`,¯-.,¸_, everyone's page. Do your part, by putting
. . (. ,•¸,-~’¨|;;;::.. .. . “-,;:/,`,-~-~¬¯. . . . . . .¸,..,¸ . . . . .¸,.-~--.¸_ her on your page
. . . ¨`” . . . .|;;;:::.. . .. . ¯¯`*¬~---~~¬¬”``~-,;:;;`”~--~”:;;::,-“’’``¯¨and help her
. . . . . . . . . ;;;::… . … , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¨`-,;;:;;::;;::;:;:`¬~-.¸ get around
. . . . . . . . . /;;;:;::… ,, ..:;, . . . . . . . . . ., ¸ . . . .`,;;:;:::;:;:;;-~”`¨¨`¬~ Howrse
. . . . . . . . .|;;::;:... .:; .:;;¸ . . . . . . . . . ..:’ . . . . . |;;::;;:;:;;”-~¬~-.,¸.-~’
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10 things I know about you.....

1) You are reading this

2) You are human

3) You can't say the letter "P" without separating your lips

4) You just attempted to do it

6) You are laughing at yourself

7) You have a smile on your face and you missed number 5

8) You just checked to see if there is a number 5

9) You laugh at this because you are an weirdo and everyone else does it too

10) You are probably going to send this to someone else and see if they fall for it like you did 8bfaf7be049bd4fa5e254020733fe354.png If you fell for it repost it on your page!

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.

BEST FRIENDS: Are the reasons you have no food.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs

BEST FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM

FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.

BEST FRIENDS: Would sit next to you saying "Wow ... we messed up ... but man that was fun"

FRIENDS: Never seen you cry.

BEST FRIENDS: Have a wet shoulder from your tears

FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back

BEST FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget its yours.

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.

BEST FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.

BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd that left you.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.

BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"

FRIENDS: Will talk meanly to the person who talks meanly about you.

BEST FRIENDS: Will knock them out.

FRIENDS: Will read this.

BEST FRIENDS: Will steal this, and repost.

uqgUs.jpg   tenor.gif

10 days later...

(hair fell off1237ba915d5f9f5f8184ac135972068b.png)
5 days later,
"Yo! Get out-a here! What u filming?"


"Woo! Time for my morning walk in da sun! Its so nice on the white sheets! They're so.. Clean.. *Evil Grin*"



" Yo! What do you think your doing to MY sheets!?"


When you come home and theres a "new" Cockatiel there,


When you look in the mirror, and you havn't for 3 hours.


Thanks for visiting my page. I hope you had a fun time reading through my life. i was an abused cockatiel, jade rescued me, and i earned her trust after many months. -Died January 2021 

    Pikachu the cockatiel.