Hello all! 

I am SunShine1121! I used to play Howrse many years back and am just getting back to playing to again. 

Not sure if this is mandatory, but I saw other pages that said this as well. I am an adult player.

I do own horses in real life and the one in my profile picture is my gelding Comanche. He was my barrel horse/ drill team flag horse for many years, but is now retired at 21 years old and enjoys his days as a trail horse :) 

I have experience in low level reining and some cow work. My passion is starting young horses and I trained for most of my teen years. 

I haven't competed in 6 years due to life changes, but hope to get back to it one day. I would also love to learn more in the English style of riding.

I look forward to connecting with other players and raising awesome virtual horses!

Happy Howrsing!