Hello! Welcome to my page!I'm GraveBaby and I'm a proud horse owner outside the game.Ever since I was a little girl I've absolutely loved horses.All around my room would always be horse figurines and toys.As an adult I still have my passion for horses.

I got my very first horse at 16 and I absolutely love her.Originally she was a foster but because her and I hit it off we kept her.The people we got her from didn't want her because she had a leaky bladder and said they couldn't afford the surgery to fix it.She was my little shadow from day one.Whenever I walked she followed close behind.Sometimes I think she believes she's a dog.A couple years after adopting her we took in a stallion that had heaves and like my mare he was a calm little(more like giant) sweetheart.He was a registered purebred quarter horse that after doing some research we found came from a line of famous horses.After him came out newest mare that was given to us because her previous owners didn't have the confidence to work with her.A year after we got her she gave birth to a silly little Colt while three deer stood by and watched over her.Unfortunately mama is no long with us physically but she always here in our hearts.Her colt is now our special little boy.Our next additions were two mares.Both take turns being the leader of the little heard.The newest one is a retired cattle horse and boy is she a sweetheart.

Along with the horses we have dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and an assortment of wildlife.