I do not play competitively. My goal in this game is to just increase the quality of horses produced by me as judged by GP. Since I am not playing to "win", I do tend to purge my herd out often to keep only horses that are within a certain genetic level. These horses can be seen for sale in direct sales at reasonable prices. Please do not message about horses currently not listed for sale. I may entertain offers on horses listed for sale, however.
  I am a young adult from the U.S.  playing this as a bit of a boredom buster in between adulting having played years ago. As a point of interest, I have a 7-year-old paint gelding and we enjoy barrel racing, ranch riding and just general trail riding. I also just completed my bachelor's degree in Animal Science and I enjoy photography in my spare time. I am on here less  these days because of a new job that keeps me extremely busy
As far as friend requests go, I tend to send some friend requests to those that have on their presentation that they are seeking friends as I like networking. I accept most friend requests. I  am not the best at maintaining conversations, but I do try when I am able.  It is important to note that I play this 90% from the app, so I don’t always immediately see what you might on the classic or mobile version.