
Hey! I am a genetics research student who came back to this game after loving it as a kid :) 

http://www.howrse.com/marche/vente/?compagnon=compagnon-*french companion name*

Below are the companions in English and French:

Bee = abeille
Butterfly = papillon
Camel =chameau
Swallow = hirondelle
Bear = ours
Dog =chien
Frog = grenouille
Ghosts = fantome
Giraffe =girafe
Goat =chevre
Zebra = zebre
Cat = chat
Griffin = griffon
Hen =poule
Turtle = tortue
Kangaroo = kangourou
Ladybird = coccinelle
Owl = hibou
Penguin = pingouin
Monkey =singe
Rabbit = lapin
Sheep = mouton
Phoenix = phenix
Squirrel = ecureuil
Grizzly = grizzly
Llama = lama
Weta = weta
Ostrich = autruche