Heyo it's Mythus. I am 18 years old, broke thanks to college and currently cracked off of energy drinks. I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community, going by the pronouns She/Her. I have played for about 7-8 years, on and off due to randomly losing interest then regaining it a couple months later. I may take longer to respond to your PM as when I am not doing homework, I am working. Please take that into consideration when you message me. 

 I ride IRL, Jumpers, on a sweet 10 year old Quarter Pony. And Currently helping train a Thoroughbred mare in the art of jumping. 

That is about it for the interesting things about me other than I like metal and I'm a gamer, also I am an anime fan. I like watching it in what little free time I have. As for my gaming personality, I keep the list small: Apex, COD, and Assassins Creed are the games you can usually find me on

I don't know if it is clear enough, but I am a fan of Greek mythology. It is very interesting to read and study, check it out. Two other types I'd recommend are: Irish and Norse mythology

Congratulations, you made it through the mess of un-organized thoughts! Give yourself a pat on the back and happy Howrsing!
My game is pretty chill-based. I play mostly as a way to relax, but every now-and-then I will have spouts of competitiveness in breeding and trophy collecting.  

Technically all my horses are available for purchase, in case you decide you like one. All I ask is you make a reasonable offer. If you see one you like, send me an offer and I'll consider it if reasonable. Before you get too excited, I will consider the offer, that does not always guarantee you will get the horse. Ultimately the decision is mine, as you are offering on my horse.

I am seeking a Violet Iris coat to finish off the trophy. If you have one and are willing to part with it, please let me know your price!

My breeding specialty lies in the Thoroughbred breed. I use the affix (Η Χάρη της Ελλάδος), for all my Thoroughbreds. In no way am I a top breeder, as i mentioned earlier, it is mostly for fun. However, if you would like to purchase one, let me know. 

Right now I am slowly working on collecting all the animal pets in game and adding to my Golden Apple collection. 

I had a crazy stroke of luck Recieved Aramis in  the  Tyche's Crown today!          1-18-22