Hi! I am a returning player from many years back, except this time I'm wanting to take it a bit more seriously, that said I'm always up for a laugh.
Currently I am unable to do reserved sales, however I feel like it's a good opportunity to really get to know the ins and outs of breeding, BLUPing and training good horses, and if you have any tips on the latter then please PM me :)
I currently have two "project" horses if you will, the first of which being " lil peep ", and the other being " stefflondon ". I also have a unicorn; " ren " however I want to be putting my main focus into the previously mentioned horses for now, as I want to age my unicorn as slow as possible and get to it when I properly understand the unicorns in this game.
I do have an equestrian centre, however I could very much do with some tips on how to really get it up and running as I am absolutely clueless right now.
Thank you for reading!
- mamor