

I will accept "Friend" requests

Helpful Hints

Watch videos for free stuff -click on passes icon scroll to video- nice way to get color bonuses and passes free -sometimes lol

You need to breed the Iris mare to the Iris stallion when she is exactly 30 years of age, not a month before or after. If you do this there is a 50% chance of the offspring having an Iris coat. The stallion's age and Iris color doesn't matter.
If the offspring has an Iris coat you will be able to see the Iris symbol next to their name if you visit their page after naming/affixing them. The colors will appear when they get their adult appearance at 1 year 6 months.

Stroke five Xanthos each day and you could win a .Horn of Plenty

Xanthos  Xanthos  Xanthos  Xanthos  Xanthos

Congratulate five Topaz to win 50E each or for a lucky few 10 passes.

 Topaz  Topaz  Topaz  Topaz  Topaz

Defrost a Frost and you could win a Hypnos' Blanket
             Frost   Frost 
Answer Archimedes question correctly and you'll win an aging point

When it tells you to feed always add a couple extra like 6 to 8
                                                                                          8 to 10
                                                                                          10 to 12 ect.,.you get it!

8 months
groom, 1 hr, carrot, feed, 7.5 hrs, stroke, water,

10 months
groom, 1 hr, carrot, feed, 8 hrs, stroke, water

1 year
groom, 1 hr, carrot, feed, 9 hrs, stroke, water

1 year 2 months
groom, 2 hr, carrot, water, feed, 9 hrs, stroke,

1 year 4 months
groom, 2 hrs, carrot, water, feed, 9.5 hrs, stroke,

This seems to work for me,  Good Luck

BLUP Schedules

Croesus     Croesus
Every month, one horse among those named Junior Croesus is turned into Croesus.

GA then MB = coat stays but you can't see the wings
MB then GA = GA coat with themed wings
MB then 5th Element = 5th element coat with wings (This works with other special coat items too)

 If you make stalls in the work shop you can have as many as you want (no seniority penalty)  and reserve them all for yourself if you want

Autumn/Fall is the 1st of the month through the 7th of the month.
Winter is the 8th of the month through the 14th of the month.
Spring is the 15th of the month through the 21st of the month.
Summer is the 22nd of the month through the end of the month.

In meadows                                                   In Green House
Carrot seeds - spring -                                 Carrot seeds            
Wheat seeds - summer -                              Wheat seeds           
Alfalfa seeds - summer -                             Alfalfa seeds          
Oat seeds - spring -                                     Oats seeds             
Flax seeds - spring -                                    Flax seeds                   

Pass seeds - autumn - 30 days
Apple seeds - autumn - A harvest every fall

