"I became insane from long intervals of horrible sanity." - Edgar Allan Poe 



I chose "purplehorse08" from my long-ago Howrse account that I had back in the day. Since then, I have found myself at college, during a pandemic, and though I am extremely busy- I needed something to take my mind off of "life." Thus, I have found myself playing an old childhood game, that really hasn't significantly changed. 

Growing up I adored horses. I have ridden Western Pleasure, but now run barrels. I placed Top 5 Youth of WV back in the day believe it or not. 

Now, college takes all of my time. I still get out to the old farm where I would ride, but classes consume me. I am majoring in Forensic and Investigative Science, so if y'all ever need homework help, advice, questions about crime scene investigation- I am your gal! 

Additionally, I could rant about Forensics basically forever. The subject is ever-changing and will always be interesting. My core classes are wild, and one I am currently taking is Gravesite Forensics. This has led to me collecting an unhealthy amount of necrophilic bugs... and I am not going to lie- it stresses me out a bit. Yet another necessary evil. This is one of the many classes that cause me to run around, and ultimately survive... while also attempting to keep a decent GPA.  

I have been certified (not accredited if any Quality Assurance professionals are out there- if you know, you know) in Drugs, Quality Assurance, Arson, Toxicology, and Crime Scene Investigation.
I also play roller derby for my college, so if there are any skating fanatics out there, I would love to talk! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this... even if it does slightly look like the format of an email I would send to one of my professors.

Yours truly, 

Aspiring CSI



If anyone knows what this gif is from, well let's become instant friends please (Better yet, maybe even a gift will be involved if you can identify it).


More Information About My Life (I'm obviously only assuming you have read this far... so now I ask why you are still reading...)

Additionally, I will not be listing all of my favorite ways to pass the time of my short life, as it so happens I will one day die, and I pray I have accomplished more than what I've done so far. 



-A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
-Obviously anything by Edgar Allan Poe (specifically a fan of The Fall of the House of Usher -Which there is an old movie, and my great uncle plays the Butler)
-The wonderful works of Shakespeare
-The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
-The Catcher in the Rye
-Crime and Punishment
-Maze Runner Series/Morality Doctrine Series (Definitely a guilty pleasure)
-And Then There Where None 
-The Birds
-Dragons in Our Midst (The series with the most characters I've ever been introduced to)
-Harry Potter (I've meet James and Oliver Phelps- they played the Fred and George Weasley in the movies and they're beautifully British)
-An all time favorite- The Bible (it is quite interesting if you've never actually picked it up)


TV SHOWS (Just the ones I have watched all the way through)

-Seinfeld (The ending will make you ponder no doubt)
-Arrested Development (The 2nd show that I also just found hysterical) 
-Joey (Spin-off of Friends, so check it out)
-Psych (If you want to talk about this... let's discuss "Crime Fighting For the Totally Unqualified.")
-Twin Peaks (Thought it was true crime... I was wrong)
-Firefly (CLASSIC- Space ships and horses, literally why not watch it)
-The Walking Dead (Many of my favorite people have died)
-Teen Wolf (Dylan O'Brien duh)
-The Office (US and UK... UK was awful sorry)
-Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 (Quality show not gonna lie)
-Bates Motel (Just kept getting freakier)
-The 100 (Season 7 is out whoop whoop)
-The Umbrella Academy (Didn't know what to expect... very pleased) 
-Lost (4 8 15 16 23 42)
-Stranger Things (Joe Keery has a song called "Roddy")
-Merlin (Just well made)
-How I Met Your Mother (Legen.... wait for it... dary!)
-Sherlock (I may have been in love with Martin Freeman for a hot minute)
-Friends (Just something you need to watch- no other explanation needed)
-Brooklyn 99 (Sometimes I can't tell if Jake is cute or not)
-Doctor Who (Came for David Tennant and stayed)
-H20: Just Add Water (Really put the Tik-Toks into context)
-Supernatural (Carry on my wayward son)
-That 70's Show (Laughed the most with this show)
-That 80's Show (Made while That 70's Show was airing... didn't get as much attention)
-Vampire Diaries (Team Damon) 
-CSI: New York (One of the many reasons I am pursuing Forensics today)
-Breaking Bad (Yeah Science!)
-What's New, Scooby-Doo?/ Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated/ Scooby-Doo Where Are You!
-13 Reasons Why (If you're listening you're too late)
-The Andy Griffith Show (I live in Don Knotts hometown... we even have a statue)
-Broadchurch (Bucket list: eat a Scottish egg)
-Friday Night Lights (Clear eyes/ Full hearts/ Can't lose)
-You (He likes books too)
-V-wars (Ian Somerhalder is way too pretty for this world sometimes but the end was way cheesy)
-Mindhunter (The creation of the term "serial killer" / Must-watch for criminology)
-Gilligan's Island (S.S. Minnow Survivors)
-Parks and Rec. (Once again, came for Chris Pratt and stayed)
-The Unusuals (Just watched it because Jeremy Renner was in it... but truly loved it)
-The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (I know all the words to "Getting Jiggy With it"
-Longmire (Beginning so good, end drags)
-The Arrow (I've watched a good bit of The Flash too)
-Chuck (Super cute, friend recommended I watch it)
-Godless (haha- came for Thomas Sangster and stayed)
-Zoo (The idea is unique)
-The Fall (Came for Colin Morgan)
-Gilmore Girls (I used to live on Gilmore St... we called ourselves "The Gilmore Girls"
-Riverdale (Was not prepared for Season 3)
-Light as a Feather (I thought Paul Wesley was in it- I was wrong)
-Waco (Historical and Taylor Kitsch has changed so much since Friday Night Lights)


MOVIES (Obviously not all of them... I'd have to be nuts to do that)

-Breakfast Club (If you get nothing else from my presentation watch this & one below)
-Fight Club (I once had a job changing oil, and a customer came in that sold soap... nonetheless I got excited, described how Tyler makes soap, and my boss was not thrilled to say the least)
-Jurassic Park (All three... not a huge fan of the "World" but again, it's Chris Pratt)
-Psycho (I love Anthony Perkins)
-Marvel Movies (I haven't seen Hulk, and that's the last on my list)
-LotR/Hobbit (Ah I cannot begin to explain Peter Jackson's thoughts concerning the Hobbit... so I will not even try)
-Star Wars (idk why no one thinks I like these)
-Harry Potter (Once again, met the Weasley Twins)
-Pirates of the Caribbean (Growing up I wanted to be a pirate)
-Mission Impossible (Thankfully Jeremy Renner integrated himself into these movies- doing so he blessed us all)
-Oceans 11/12/13 (I have not seen 8, need to though)
-Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Terrible, terrible movie, but I came for Brad Pitt)
-Oh Brother Where Art Thou (Honestly if you like any of these movies, but haven't seen the Oceans movies, look up the cast and you'll understand)
-The Matrix (This and Point Break... only good movies with Keanu Reeves)
-The Godfather (Sadly, my other great uncle did not like the Italian Mafia as he was a leader in the Irish one)
-Hot Fuzz/ Shaun of the Dead/ The Worlds End (Don't watch one without watching the others)
-The Internship (Dylan O'Brien duh)
-Divergent Series (Took me a while to realize Allegiant came out)
-Maze Runner Series (Actually came because I adored the books... Dylan O'Brien just happened to be there too)
-Jaws (Gave me a healthy fear of sharks)
-Indiana Jones (Nothing to say, just listen to the theme song and go on your way)
-My Left Hand Man (Mix of Shakespeare and Thomas Brodie Sangster)
-Rocky Movies (My brother will drink eggs raw too... I think that would kill me)
-Bourne Series (Once again, watch the Oceans movies)
-End of Watch (Jake Gyllenhaal deserves the world)
-Tremors (Who doesn't want to see Kevin Bacon in way too tight of pants)
-Bad Boys (If Will Smith was younger and not married... I would think my chances of getting a date would increase to just above slim)
-Characterz (It's got Mitchel Musso [The man whose got the jerky... not the cheese] in it, and it kinda makes you sad. He screams at one point, and that makes it all a bit happier)
-Open House (Did I mention I also met Dylan Minnette... listen to the Wallows)
-Literally any movie with Jeremy Renner in it (Don't call yourself a true fan unless you've seen "Fish in a Barrel" which I can only find for like 20 bucks on VHS- no joke, the DVD is over 70 dollars, and sadly the movie kinda sucks)


-Certified as a white water rafting guide
-Traveled to California, Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, Honduras, Outer Banks, New York, Miami, Alcatraz, and basically other states on the East Coast
-Kayaked the Grand Canyon for 3 days
-Swam and rode a dolphin (they're actually huge and slightly terrifying)
-Met Kevin, Oscar, Creed, Meredith, and Stanley from the Office
-Met Dylan Minnette (13 Reasons Why/Open House/Wallows)
-Saw Wallows twice in concert (I adore them)
-Met Weasley twins (I know, I know- we've covered that)
-Met Erik Estrada and Larry Wilcox from CHiPs
-Been on tv with President Trump (but whatever for...)
-Met Sean Astin and Billy Boyd (Lord of the Rings)
-Been a bridesmaid for two weddings (Obviously I'm working on my 27 dresses)
-I am a jammer for my college roller derby team
-Showed Western Pleasure, but now run barrels 
-Majoring in Forensic and Investigative Science
-A giraffe licked me once (I did not like it)
-Pet a Dalmatian (It was on my bucket list)
-Saw Cage the Elephant in concert
-Survived high school (oh yes that is a feat)
-Picked up watercolor 
-Cannot cook (guys are typically shocked, so even if you can cook, just say you can't to see reactions)
-I once owned an upside-down catfish, and I loved him
-Family is my life, God is first cause without Him, I wouldn't have them

