I'm not active super often but I do what I can.

Heyo, I'm TheSpiderwick

I run The Shinigami Realm as an equestrian center:  https://www.howrse.com/centre/fiche?id=1171504

Here's all the horses I have for sale:


Vanners are my main project. I currently have 65+ Purebred Vanners.
I sell all male offspring, all foals born with <1000 skills, all foals <15000 genetic potential.

Friesian was my starting horse so I keep a few pure females to breed.
I sell all offspring.

I breed Shires and Percherons. I keep all foals to raise and breed. I upgrade to better genes when I can. I sell all with 3 covers, all with <2000 genetic potential.

I have a few Selle Francais & Vanner Unicorns . I keep the unicorns to breed and sell the normal horses.

Mossy Rock: This one goes to all the riding horses I sell
The Shinigami: This one goes to all the riding horses I will not sell 
Big Chonkers: I give this one to all Draft Horses, ones I keep or not.
Charlie The Unicorns: This one goes to all my Unicorns
Sakura Trees: Divine Horses

Naming System:
Typical example: MB Van 15079.28
M = Male
F = Female
G = Gelding
Van = Vanner
Fries = Friesian
Uni = Unicorn
Perch = Percheron
Shire = Shire
#####.## = Genetic Potential
A = Foals,  <1 year 6 months
B = Adults, 1 year 6 months - 2 years 4 months
C = Coverable, 2 years 6 months - 4 years 10 months.
D = 5 Years - 7 Years 10 Months
E = 8+ Years
F = They finished their training
G = Rides don't give benefits