
Welcome everyone to my page!

My name is Brii. I am a returning howrse player. I played about 10 years ago, and I focused mainly on Standardbreds. 

I am an adult player, so I recommend get a parents permission before sending me a friend request. I try to be friendly to everyone, and answer as many questions as I can. It has been a long time since I've been here, so I may be a little rusty.

All of the horses under the  "For Sale" tab are for sale, and open to offers. 

I currently have some giveaways in my forum! 

I love to write with people with RPG's, and if you have one, please feel free to message me! I'll check it out and see if it's a good fit! I'm also open to PRPG. I reply quickly and will send out as long as replies as I can.

Have a great day!