Appaloosa BLUP Schedule
8 months to 1 year 4 months: Foal games
1 year 6 months to 1 year 10 months: Mountain rides
2 years to 2 years 10 months: Train speed and dressage up to 200 below the rookie comp limit
3 years until ineligible for rookie comps or comp training complete: 2 gallop and 2 trot comps a day, then rides of your choice with the remaining time
After that: Finish speed and dressage training
1 gallop and 1 trot comp a day and mountain rides
1 gallop and 1 trot comp a day and forest rides
If comp training not complete: 1 gallop and 1 trot comp, train gallop until it is
Train gallop
Age to 10 years old