
Welcome to my page! Feel free to read to know how I am running my side of things!

If you would like for a covering from any one of my stallions, pm me (List of breeds that I have available are down below so check that out before you do pm me).

I will accept random friend requests, so feel free to make a new friend!

I will try to congratulate if you do to me, but I might not be able to all the time (Please keep this in mind since I'm not always allowed to have access to technology)

Pure breds only

I occasionally put horses for sale (for equus) so look for my name while in the horse sales for horses that I've possibly put up for sale (I don't like to do reserved sales)

If you register in my EC, please try to do the missions to help me build it more


My goals/My game

 1. Reach a certain number of equus to stay at or near (number not set yet)
2. Collect all of the Paint Horse and Quarter Horse coat colors
3. And lastly, to just have fun right now. I'm not interesting in really joining teams or being competitive at the moment.

The main breed I'm breeding at the moment are Paints, but I am also breeding the following breeds:

Fjord (Uni and Non-Uni), Knabstrupper, Arabian Horse, Donkey, Thoroughbred, Percheron

The breeds I will be breeding sometime soon are the following:
Mustang (Uni and Non-Uni), Quarter Horse (Uni and Non-Uni), Purebred Spanish Horse, Appaloosa, Chincoteague Pony, Friesian, Lippizan, Finnish, Shagya Arabian, Vanner, Selle Français, Tennessee Walker
Layout designed by Nature Girl code created at TheUltimateHowrseHelper.weebly.com

Google form to be able to possibly account share. ONLY fill it out if you are on my friend list (click the words "Google Form" to be able to fill it out)

~~~ My main interests ~~~

Listening/Singing to music (I'm a choir kid)
Riding/working with horses
Doing math
Talking to my very close friends
Coming up with new characters

~~~ Some small tidbits about me ~~~

I live in the United States (sadly)

I live in a county where we have 4-H, so I ride horses through my 4-H club. I ride Western.

I've shown three horses so far, Chalky*, Cherry*, and Junior* (RIP Junior 1999- January 2021). Chalky is my show horse

*These are their barn names, I'm not giving out their registered names, especially since they aren't my horses

I am a minor (graduating from high school in '24)

I am allowed to interact with adult players (In case any adult player stumbles across here and is wondering that after seeing that I am minor)

I have lots of plushies (over 100 now)

LGBTQ+ Safe               Poly Bi Non-binary               Pronouns: They/It/Him

Going to change my username some time soon to match my pronouns, just have to figure out what to put ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

I'm often bad a conversations, so if I suddenly stop talking in a conversation, I deeply apologize now

Hope y'all have a good morning/day/afternoon/night (whenever you're reading this).

Remember to drink plenty of water and to take care of yourself before others, you matter!


~ Quotes ~

"With a new day comes new strength and new thoughts" - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Never regret anything that made you smile" - Mark Twain

"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" - Mark Twain

"The wisest mind has something yet to learn" - George Santanaya

"Creativity is intelligence having fun" - Albert Einstein

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on" - Robert Frost

"Make each day your masterpiece" - John Wooden

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain" - Dolly Parton

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" - Zig Ziglar

"I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings" - Gustave Flaubert

"If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore" - Michele Ruiz

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist" - Oscar Wilde

"The way we see the problem is the problem" - Stephen Covey

"The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you" - Joel Osteen

"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn" - Helen Keller


~~ With love and patience from one horse lover to all the horse lovers here ~~

~ HockeyGirl85 ~