About Me

I'm an adult player. I have a wonderful husband and adorable baby boy. We have a cozy little house on 5 acres of land. I have 2 cats and 3 cows. My husband grew up on a dairy farm and he is an assistant manager on a different farm now. Our 3 girls were suppose to be the start of our own dairy farm but plans fell through, which turned out to be the best thing for us. We still dream of having some beef cows and owning a small farm one day. Maybe in the next 10 years! Anyways, I work on another dairy farm giving tours to guests age 2 to 92 and I teach them about life on a modern day dairy farm. I LOVE my job and I LOOOVE cows! 

My Account

I had a couple of horses growing up (Quarter Horse x Arabian and a Standardbred) and this game is a little nostalgic for me. I enjoy taking care of the horses and training them. My game is pretty relaxed. I'm here for fun. Although, I do fully BLUP my horses before breeding them and I do my best to make high quality horses. I have played a couple of times before and I was never a very highly ranked player but I was pretty good! This time around I am looking to breed great Quarter Horses and Russian Don Horses. I'm just getting started though.