BUYING ALL FEMALES FOR 3500, 4000 for purebreds. If you have a rare color I will pay more, DM for more information! 

#LoveIsNotTourism          #LoveIsEssential          #LiftTheBan 


My alias is Ria. I'm a player from about 10 years ago. My username then was Katiebella1513. Although I'm the same person I was back then, I'm now an adult, with adult life experiences and opinions. Therefore I don't talk much with others on the game as I require that you be 18+ to contact me. Exceptions include the following:

  1. Responding to a sale add/putting in an offer.
  2. Inquiring about horses for sale and breedings. (all are for sale)
  3. If you have permission from a parent/guardian you may contact me

I love to chat to people who are 18+ but please be warned that I have a crazy life, and am not the most reliable when it comes to messaging. Although I'll usually reply within 1-4 hours, please allow up to 24 hours. 

My Game:

I just returned from a 2 1/2 month break: MOST of my horses are for sale DM me!

Since my life is more chaotic (heading across the ocean for a couple months) I've decided to not attempt to breed and keep up with the GP race. I'll be collecting coats, gathering AP's, Sales, and offering stallion coverings since thats not as intense. This being said. If any of my horses would benefit your breeding program PLEASE let me know. I'm willing to sell horses if they will help you out. However, I am not into giving away the things I've worked hard for. But send me and offer and I'll consider. If this is still up the offer still stands. When I return from my trip I'll be looking for a team or two, to join. 

I am not a pass buyer. Although when I return I may consider it. I work hard for everything that I've earned during my short time back on Howrse.

About Me:

I'm a young adult female that lives in the US. I am a competitive Dressage rider who competes on my Holsteiner gelding (he's my profile picture). I'm in a serious relationship with my German boyfriend. I'm a Business Major who is in love with the stock market and real estate. I have an appreciation for wine, imported horses, and traveling the world. I live 10 minutes from some of the nicest beaches in the country. I don't find old books written thousands of years ago, an appropriate argument when talking about human rights. 

My profile picture is my own personal gelding. Please don't steal my picture.