HELLO fellow Howrse peoples!!568c3842c2bcbdd03b18b49a3284e7d5.png

I am an adult player that found this awesome world via my granddaughter. Thanx Beanie!!

I have decided to stop accumulating horse breeds just for the coat trophies. I barely have time to work even half of them, so I am SELLING many of my horses as I go through who to keep and who to sell, for now. I will be adding more to my sales over the next few weeks.

There are several I refuse to sell at all...

I grew up with horses and showed both Western and English...then as an adult I dabbled in horse rescue...Arabians, for several years.

I currently have a 1 yr old Rottweiler named Garth Brooks, a long haired double dappled Dachshund named Pi, and a recent hound mix rescue pup named Major Bane;  Have some chickens...and that pic above is of my 2 year old Sulcata tortoise, Neo.

I Check my Congrats list at least 3 times a day...I try my best to return all Congratulations....

Enjoy and THANK YOU ALL!   e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png