Hello and Welcome!

I am a returning player from 2013 who deleted her account many years ago. However, due to the recent pandemic I've been furloughed from my job at the Disney parks and decided to come back here to distract from all the craziness. I hope to be around for a while!

As is probably fairly obvious, I'm a huge Disney fan, especially when it comes to the classics. I love chatting about characters like Mickey, Minnie, Tink, etc., how they were created, and how they've changed (for better or worse). I'm not an expert by any means, but I do my research when I can and am always looking to learn something new about Disney history. I'm currently majoring in business in the hopes I can pair that degree with a second, more creative one and work my way up within the company. If anyone wants to hit me up for a casual chat about some Disney Magic (or anything, really), feel free! Only please first reference the DM Guidelines below.

DM Guidelines

1. No cursing, swearing, or use of otherwise foul language

2. Be respectful, if not kind. If you are rude and disrespectful, your messages will be screenshotted and you will be blocked and possibly reported.

3. No referencing topics that could be a point of conflict. Use common sense here. Note that this also relates very closely to rule 2.

4. To the best of your ability, please treat a private message to me as one you might be sending to a business partner. Essentially, unless we are friends who have become used to chatting casually, please keep your PMs well structured, and please no text-talk. This rule is the least important and I'll really only take issue with it crosses over with one or more of the other three rules.

Equestrian Center

I run the Fantasia Gardens Equestrian Center.  It's currently just starting out and so is very lackluster and small, but I'm hoping to expand and improve it over time!  One thing I would love to do is host low-stakes writing/art contests, polls, fanbase discussions, and the like in my Equestrian Center forum!  This will likely become active when I have a bit more seniority, boarders, and the ability to obtain and gift more items (should I want to include them as prizes in contests).  Keep an eye out, and if you have any suggestions for those forum topics I mentioned, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Thank you, and have a Magical Day!