Hi Everyone!!
Countryarrow here!!

I am a horse/ animal fanatic. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png
I have 3 horses myself, Cherokee (Pinto), Putz (Arabian) and Hercules (Pinto/ Arabian).
Pictured is my pup Gizmo, Hes a little 5 year old Maltese.

I am a returning player. Found this game a few years ago and then life got busy and lost track of it and now cant find my old accounts. So here we are with a new one and starting fresh. This game has definitely changed a little since the last time I was on.

I also am an adult player and work full time so I may not always be on. But leave me a message and we can chat and be friends. 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

Please also note most horses are for sale just ask and make a best offer and we can discuss. Thanks!

Quote: "Life aint always beautiful, But its a beautiful ride!" -Gary Allen