My Horses:

I run Silver Orchard Ranch, and I breed a few different lines of horses. 

I breed Silver Orchard Quarters for classical gallop, the best gp in that line so far is 17,300.

I also breed 2 different lines of unicorns, Chalcedon Unicorns and Iele's Chosen.

If you would like to purchase any of my horses, or reserve a covering, feel free to DM me, though I may not be willing to sell specific horses. 

About Me:

I played Howrse as a small child on and off, around 2011-2012, always restarting when my breeding farm got deleted. I obviously wasn't any good but I had fun, and eventually returned to the game. The more technical aspect of the game appeals to me, and that's usually what I play by, though rankings and trophies are quite a bit of fun too.