
1st Devine:  01/06/2020 - Yeah you guessed it - Branched Bandit
2nd Devine: 09/09/2020Quindecim

3rd Devine: 14/09/2020 - Etrian

Rosette Collectors:  62



Hi Everbody!!

I have played Howrse before, but I got busy with my studies and forgot to log in for some time and my account got deleted due to inactivity (internal screaming). But here I am trying again!!

I am still busy with Marwari as well as Marwari Unicorns and decided to give Fjords a go (at which I'm failing right now ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png).  I am also breeding purebred Percheron horses, but it is a slow process.  

If any horse in the ⊱⋛Ƥуяαмι∂ Ƥяє∂ατσяѕ⋚⊰ farm grabs your interest, message me and I will gladly work something out with you.


Wow!! Changes, all these changes! 
