All donations are accepted! Especially supplies to make boxes and really anything else!

If you have unwanted, unloved, or any horse you want to get rid of, pm me and I will buy them for equus as long as it’s not expensive... 

I have reserved auctions so you can put them there too!

Working with dragon_girl, bluebelljade, and 


1) get over 100,000 equus - late may or early june 

2) Get 100/200/300 congratulations (someone will get a gift if they are the 100/200/300th, if you are honestly the winner, please let me know, I will try to check as often as I can) -

100- Somethin

200- Chrissyh


3) buy as many unwanted horses as possible (rn the goal is 50) -

4) successfully breed my unicorns and (maybe) sell the foals (5, 10, 15, 20) -

Hi! I may be a new by at this, but I do truly love horses... i had to get rid of my horse due to really stupid and mean people

I recreated him in the game! 

Cutie Pie is hosting a giveaway! Visit her forum to enter! Horses to win, and more!

If I find anything on your page that’s in my presentation, I will report you. Especially if it’s for my rescue business and you are not involved!!!