Make sure to look at some of my horses and lmk if you see one your interested in and i may put him/her up for sale for you no problem!!!

Sales: 5 
Horses infoal: 1
Josh: (Shagya Arabian) -white coat-  for breeding $500 
Mousiie: ( Marwari) -mouse grey coat- for breeding $500
Morningheart: (Kerry Bog) -palimino- for breeding $500

(If you can't find a covering for josh, MorningHeart or Mousiie just message me and i can reserve a covering for you same price!)

(i update this as much as possible!) - Last Update: 11/5/20

Blue Jay meadows:

Blue Jay Meadows is a boarding ficility with 6 stalls, two of which have water troughs. One has both a water trough and shower. Blue jay Meadows is located in the forest. It is $20 a day and you can stay up to 60 days. (Stay is 3-60 days). For the breeders (A.K.A you) We also offer many benifits, check it out on our page. (We're currently offering oats, Hay and carrots)

Happy wishes, -Blue jay meadows

About me:
I've been an equestrian for 8 years and have been doing shows since i was 7. I love animals and own about 35, 1 horse, 3 dogs, 5 cats. 2 guinea pigs, 3 aquatic snales, and the rest reptiles (Snakes, Geckos. Frogs, Chemeleon) oh, and a praying mantise! As you can prolly tell... Animals are my life!!! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png
Message me:

I accept all friend request and messages. If your interested in a horse, breeding or have any questions please contact me on Howrse! Also if you have any tips or valuable knowledge i'd love to hear it... or if your lonely during quarantine with absolutely no life other than smelling like a horse and being at a barn 24/7, feel free to message me ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png