Hello there and welcome! If you are reading my bio here on my page, please throw a congrats my way so I can visit you back! :) I am a Christian adult player. I have five Polish Arabian or part Polish Arabian horses and one fat Hackney pony in real life that eat all my money. I used to show hunter, western pleasure, and saddleseat but now I just ride for fun. I also collect Breyer horses! My favorite Howrse activity is collecting top GP purebred Arabians and competing with them for ribbons. I also enjoy finding beautiful fantasy themed Golden apple coats for my skillers, preferably with wings. My non-horsey hobbies when I have time away from work and graduate school include reading (Tolkien and Jeff Wheeler are my personal favorite authors, I’ll nerd out with you any time!), raising goats, and playing Beat Saber.
I was a long-time a member of the Flamin’ Arabians team, which is one of the sweetest and most gracious groups I have had the privilege to be a member of. I have also been in ɪᴠʏhill's ᴏᴅʏssᴇo which was most welcoming and an excellent team! Currently not in a team due to grad school.
Almost all my horses, except for high GP breeders, are for sale. If you are interested in one of my horses, make me an offer! If you are a new player to the game and need a boost or if you are an experienced player looking to collect a bunch of Arab babies just let me know what the situation is, and I’ll be considerate.