Hi there!

I'm a returning player to Howrse; this game played a big part in my childhood and I'm happy to be here again!

I'm Susanna, and my pronouns are she/her. I'm an adult player, so please keep that in mind if you are a minor. 

Now that I actually understand how the game works, I'm aiming to be a more intentional breeder and maybe actually accomplish some things this go around. At the moment, I'm just dipping my toes back in and starting a collection of horses to build on. I'm excited to hopefully be able to play competitively!

Any of my horses under the "on the Turning Away" affix are either already for sale or will be sold. If you see one that isn't in auction or that hasn't had any bids, feel free to pm me with an offer! I'm online most days, so I should get back to you quickly. 

I will accept all friend requests, and I do my best to return congratulations. I'm still figuring out all the mechanics of how to play competitively, but we're getting there (as a child, I simply could not grasp GP or blup, so I've already come a long way lol). 

My page felt empty without a bio... but that's all I've got to say right now. I'm sure I'll add to this later!