Hi, I'm Asher. I'm currently a student at Indiana University, studying computer science. I've played Howrse off and on (very much off and on) for many years with several different accounts. I'm back playing again in college because it's a fun way to pass extra time. I've never owned a horse of my own, but have taken riding lessons a few times and have always admired horses. I do have a cat at home though, and used to have another cat and a dog.

I'm very into Marvel, especially the X-Men. I love reading comics, and my favorite characters are Wolverine and X-23. I enjoy learning languages, and currently have 5 years of Japanese, 1-2 ish years of German, and have dabbled in Spanish and Russian a bit. (If you are a native Japanese or German speaker, I'd love to chat and practice with you if you're interested!) I'm an INTJ 5w6.

My main focus here is Thoroughbreds, but I have multiple Arabians, Quarter Horses, Selle Francais', and Lusitanos as well.

Currently working on collecting all the coats for every breed, as well as working on finding the best way for me to get a constant income, which includes expanding/upgrading my EC.