Hey there! I'm Kat.

I'm a returning player, getting back into the game after years of not playing. I'm American, aged in my 20s, pagan, and bi. Any pronouns are fine. I'm always open to making new friends and helping others succeed, so feel free to drop me a message or friend request!

MARWARI GEMSTONES: My starter breeding project is high-GP Marwaris. I also have a goal of owning all coats for this breed. I will sell almost any Marwari produced with less than 12000GP - send me a message if you are interested.

TUMBLED MUSTANGS: I have just began my Mustang breeding project, starting with just one male and one female. I hope to produce high-skill competitors, with a focus on speed. None are for sale at this time.

SEMIPRECIOUS SHETLANDS: I have a small side project of breeding starter Shetland ponies to be sold at a reasonable price. If you are interested in a Shetland foal, send me a message and we can work out the details!

PET ROCKS: Who didn't have a pet rock as a kid? It may not have been the coolest or most useful pet, but you loved it anyway. Pet Rocks is the stable for equines of low skill and low GP, who aren't meant to be competitors or part of big breeding projects. These horses and ponies still deserve to be interacted with and live out their lives. They get daily care and rides, and are able to be aged to the end of their lifetime instead of forever existing in limbo in the dusty corner of somebody's account. I will buy any low-stat or mixed-breed horse/pony/donkey for 1000eq and care for them in the Pet Rocks stable!

Please take a moment to check out my sales.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to check out the horses, hand out a few apples, and don't forget to leave congratulations! 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png


Take a look at some of my favourite equines. Each name is a click-able link.


My foundation horses. They are immortal and each have a lovely GA coat. The beginning of a dynasty!


My first unicorn. I'm very fond of her and have made her immortal, with a GA coat & Helios landscape.


I didn't realize that Chalcedony was pregnant when I purchased her. Taaefeite was a surprise. Her namesake, the actual mineral taafeite, is said to have been discovered by mistake. She went on to become one of my best dams, and all of her children have beautiful coats.


The first horse that I bred with over 10,000GP. He has a beautiful Helios landscape that compliments his striking black coat. Onyx is Taafeite's son.


My best sire, having produced many excellent foals. He has a rare Palomino coat and is also my only pegasus.


Little Opal has the rarest coat I own: Cremello Tobiano, 1% chance of occuring. She is Phenacite's daughter.


These two were raised together from birth and have always been sweethearts. Morganite is from a Gaia Foal that I purchased in my first week of playing. They are the foundation my of Semiprecious Shetlands line.


DNA - Do Not Age
Horses and ponies are usually marked DNA if they are at least 25+ years old, and are ones that I would like to keep in my herd instead of sending them to Heaven. A DNA label may also be added to a horse that is not actively being trained, BLUPed, or bred and therefore does not need to be aged.

DNB - Do Not Breed
A horse is marked DNB if it is in the same breeding farm as horses that are part of my breeding projects, but is not one I want to breed. Usually, DNBs are horses that have potential to be useful as either competitors or a collected coat, but are not purebred and therefore would taint the gene pool. It may also be part of one of my project breeding farms but is one that is being kept as a "pet" instead of a competitor or breeder.

F - Female | M - Male | G - Gelding
Assigned gender markers are added to horses involved in my larger breeding projects (currently just Marwari Gemstones and Tumbled Mustangs) for my convenience.