I am the author of:


The trilogy is only available in GERMAN and has been published May 2018 on Amazon.de :)

My websites:
Crystal Transfer Website: crystal-transfer.space / My Blog: www.su-halcon.zone (Su Halcón is my pseudonym^^)
Su Halcón Facebook / Su Halcón Twitter / Su Halcón Instagram / Su Halcón Tumblr


Now what the heck has it to do with Howrse , you might ask. Well - when you check the horses on my german account you'll see an Andalusian stallion  Tikvah - he was named after a very important stallion in my book ;-) There he is a Spektraler, a very unusual horse race which you can only learn about when you read the books XD

I am playing the german Howrse version since June 2019 and just learned that we are allowed to have an account on the international server as well, so here I am since September 8th, 2019^^
I do not really know how to take care of two howrse accounts since the first takes so much of my time already, but I will try since I usually prefer to play on english speaking sites to practise the language, but did not know that Howrse is not at all only German lol.

I happily accept each and all friends requests, just please do not expect me to be very communicative/chatter like crazy - I won't have time for that, too busy on- and offline. Also I live in Germany, so I am several hours ahead of the time zone here.

Helpful Links:



My fav boi Lucifer