Hello! I mostly play on my phone so heads up if you send me photos cause they may not send over the Howrse messenger!! I also tend to play at night so if you message me and I don’t reply I’m most likely asleep.

You can call me Tab. It’s no my name but it is what I go by. 
I love animals, reading, and music.
I am not religious but kudos to you if you are.
My favorite color is black with purple being a close second.
I am American but I can respect Canada (my best friend is from there)
I have a number of pets most of which are scaled.
I’ve been around horse all my life and riding since I was 9. 
I first learned western then English and even side saddle.
Feel free to friend me, just know I check profiles before accepting if for no other reason then to see what horses you have and if I want to see if they can cover my mares or what fillies you have for sale.

Any horse under 1 year is up for sale. 
All mares of breeding ages are up for covering
All stations of any age can be sold for the right price.
If you have question feel free to ask me.

You cuss or yell at me I will ban you.
You start joking about things in a way I find to be offensive (abuse, drugs, race, gender, or sexuality, religion) I will ban and report you.
You may find this mean but I will lose no sleep at night over it. Because none of those topics are joking matters