About Me
-15-19 female, who's a bookworm and a video-game nerd
-non pass buyer
-Two dogs, one Percheron/TB mare. What could go wrong.?
-I like Atozy, Kwite, Danny Gonzalez, Smii7y, Joshdub, TheRussianBadger, and Poofesure
-No more random friend requests, please pm me. 
-I do enjoy role-playing, hmu
In Game
-Focused on Thoroughbreds, and Curly unis
- Uni studs - 3000e-7500e.
Please ask if a horse is for sale, ask with an offer, I might just accept.
Currently. . .
-Currently listening to- Passenger - A.L.I.S.O.N
-Currently Reading- Waiting for Crescent City #2
-Currently Watching- Haikyui on Netflix


school's started