Hello! I accept all friend requests. I am an adult player. I'll get another fancy presentation someday.

I like looking at my pretty pixel ponies. I first joined Howrse on June 5, 2009, but a few years later I sold everything and took a break. I used to be on this server as Thunderbolt55 and on the American server as Lightning55. I am proud to say that I was one of the top Golden Apple collectors on both servers. I play more for divine collecting now.

And, unrelated, for our convenience: XXX aaa nnn ttthhh ooosss Archi and Topaz 1, Topaz 2, Topaz 3, Topaz 4, Topaz 5
and these:
BLUP schedules
Tarpan Tiny Tianma Etrian Skinfaxi Dark Chocolate Piccolo (1/9 prizes) Rongo Ran Kaktos