
I go by Ghostly Haunts - feel free to call me Ghostly or Ghost. I have quite a bit of experience with the game, having had an account twice now - once sometime around 2012-2013, before that went inactive. Naturally, I ended up returning to the game a few years ago, this time setting up camp on the International Server (though I now also have an account on the French and Czech servers too).

... don't mind this presentation. I totally did not accidentally delete my old one again.

I apologise for my inactivity, but due to education and other things taking up my time, I may continue being relatively inactive for some time -- possibly even until June 2024. If you would rather me not take up your friend list for this reason, feel free to remove me and then re-add me to your lists... I won't be offended.

About Me

Hello! ^ ^ 

I am a Slavic person living, looking for work and studying in an English-speaking country as of right now. 

I am an amateur graphics, traditional and digital artist, writer and music enthusiast. (not that I have any talent for music). I also enjoy anime, western animated and live-action movies and shows, the occasional musical, poems, books, walks in nature, various animals - not including spiders-- brr! - and swooning over my favourite fictional hubbies. 

Plus, I roleplay. (Mostly fandom.) 

My activity on here varies a bit.
My Game

I'm here mostly to breed selles, holsteiners, various unis and other breeds that take my liking. I tend to only breed 100% Blupped horses, and rarely, if ever sell them. (When I do put a horse up for sale, it's usually for the sake of a daily objective. 

If a horse isn't for sale, I likely won't sell it. I especially don't sell horses with philosophers stones, golden or retired apples. I also hoard collect various special coats and divines - but will only buy divines from Ow, as I like to have horses with my name on them. 

I play semi-competitively. I'm not looking for a team right now - I'm busy enough as I am -, but if I do, it'll probably be a more relaxed one. Mostly, I like to get my horses into rankings for their skills - in regions other than their best skill (I could never compete there) - as well as in overall competitions ones. 

Many of my selles have broken into first places for dressage over the years and some have even gotten into the top 100 for victories in trot. (I'm hoping to now get Daisy Love into the top horses 100 for victories in Gallop.) 



I do get busy, so I might not notice if you congratulate me -- though I do appreciate all of you who have done so thus far --, but I'll try to return them as often as possible. 

To be sure, feel free to leave a comment in my forum (on a discussion post, preferably.) - it might make it easier for me to know to congratulate you.


Friend Requests

Feel free to send me a friend request. Though, I am more likely to accept a request if it is someone I've come to know, someone I share something in common, or someone who at least appears relatively active. 

If you do go inactive, I might remove you from my friends list. I don't wish to offend anyone; I just have an easier time going through my friend list when it's smaller. If you go through a period of inactivity and then resume being active again, I can always add you back! Or if you need help in an event. ^ ^ 



Yup, I also roleplay on here, or on discord. 

That said, I'll only do a private roleplay with someone who is 18+ (group roleplays I'm fine with whomever as long as it stays on Howrse). I prefer to roleplay with those who can write in third person, as one would a story and give me more than one line in response. 

Currently, I'm looking for someone for either a Pelsa roleplay (Pitch x Elsa), a Merilliam roleplay (Mereoleona x William) or a roleplay with Pitch and my O.C. Depending on your ship, I might be able to play out your pairing in turn. Feel free to PM me if you are interested. 



I also make graphics! This layout was made by me. Currently I'm not taking layout orders -- still figuring things out -- but free avatars and linebreaks (might add layouts to the list) are available in my forum! 

Pictures used for Layouts/Avatars usually weren't made by me. Credit goes to the artist there. (In this case, a creative bunch of Howrse GA artists.)