welcome to my page! im tkhr2thmoon, aka tk! im an adult living in the midwest of the united states. prior to this account, ive been a player for about 8 years. i love talking to people, new and old players alike, so feel free to send me a message if you want to chat!

some of my hobbies include animals(duh) such as snake keeping, aquariums, and other miscellaneous reptiles. I have an ottb named katie, 6 cats, 4 rabbits, 3 snakes, and two geckos(and those are just my personal pets!) some of my favorite bands/artists include waterparks, rad horror, lil peep, declan mckenna, oliver tree, chase atlantic + so much more! when im not playing howrse, im probably playing sims or eating icecream(mint chocolate chip lover here)
I breed mustang iris coats, various other unis/drafts/whatever im liking at the time.  if youd be interested in purchasing, please message me for pricing and info!

if you need help with objectives, feel free to message me! i love to help and have just about everything one needs to complete objectives! 
ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄ appies is looking for members!
- min: two blups/week

 ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅᴏx curlies is looking for members!
- min: two blups/week

dm me for any questions you might have!
*if i buy a horse, the horse is now mine. please dont try to gulit me into selling! messages will be ignored. if a horse is not for sale, they are not for sale. all sale horses are negotiable* 
pricing guide: 
- any misc foals/horses: 2,000-3,500 
- female unicorns: 45,000-65,000 
- male unicorns: 20,000-35000 
- donkeys, drafts, and special coat horses all vary! message me for details! all prices are negotiable