
About the Admin

Hello there! I go by the handle Akuro and I am a twenty-six year old aspiring novelist who loves horses, roleplaying and anime! I'm on here just for fun and spend most of my time making my horses the best they can be! I'm really friendly, so if you ever want to chat, just me a message! I hope we can be great friends! <3

About My Horses

You can easily change your Howrse profile. To be honest, there's not a great deal to know right now, because I've only just begun my adventure here on Howrse. I name my horses after anime characters, usually, or, at least, Japanese names because, let's face it, I'm a weeb. My best horses are currently Keiichi and Cheruit but I am particularly proud of Special Week, Koi and Shiroi. I love all my horses though. <3
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