Hello! My name is Neriah and I'm not new to this site, simply starting over. I had a very successful breeding farm on another account, but I haven't been on it in quite some time, and apparently in that time I must've deleted the account and forgot about it. While I'm actually pretty sad to see that account go, I am excited to start a new adventure on this one! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

If you want to know more about me, here are a few fun facts about myself:
1. I am sixteen and currently doing early college courses while still in high school.
2. I am now a senior. (Yes, I still play browser games. I get bored.)
3. I have eight pets, four dogs, two geckos, one bearded dragon, and one cat.
4. Horses and snow leopards are my favorite animals.
5. I like to read and write in my free time when I'm not playing games.
6. I love to go hiking.
7. I live in North Carolina.
8. I have never broken a bone nor have I ever been a patient in a hospital.
9. I am aiming to major in wildlife biology when I go to college. 
10. I love photography and consider myself a photographer.