
Hello to all friends old and new I as you can see am Yuki Akuma which means "Snow Demon" in English translation. I love anything to do with Japan and horses I also love helping teams out the best I can I am in a team with my mom called *~*Ye Olde Gods*~* and that has horse gods from everywhere !!!!
Hope to meet and make new friends!! 


Favorite things about the game

I do have favorite breeds 

  1. Shagya Arabians 
  2. Unicorns
  3. Thoroughbreds  
I also have favorite people and love to name off why

  1.  My mom Feralas Stables she helps me out a lot on stuff like blupping
  2. LUPUS DEI helps out alot in the team and makes everyone smile he is the best!!
  3. Lady FoxyWolf she is a great friend and is amazing at helping out someone valuable to the team and my friendship she rocks!!

What I look for

I look for cheep Unicorns and GypsyVanners 

What I look for in cheap Unis

Skills under 100 or less

Gp at 1000 or less

What I look for in Gypsys 

Skills over 100
Gp at 2000 or more 

I do discuss prices to fit the sellers liking if you want a breed in particular pm me and we can discuss prices and breeds.

Looking for:

Medusa blood 
Helios ray 
Gold apple

Willing to give 

Apollo lyre 
Black orchids
Pandora box