hey there and welcome! please don't question the username, for some reason it was the only thing I could think of when I signed up.
it's been about nine or ten years, but I guess I'm back on howrse sporadically, be it boredom in quarantine or whatnot. if you'd like to send me a friend request there's a 100% chance I'll accept! I'm always down for a discussion about practically anything! 

i'm an australian teenager, interested in classical and contemporary music, art, politics, and most things in this world. 
i'm always in dire need of aging points, so if you've got some lying around shoot me a message and we'll see what sort of deal we can work out. I'm also keen to do some BM item trades if that's what you're looking for. 

though i'm definitely primarily here for a spot of fun, i'm here to breed the best arabian unicorns that I can, be they competitively well-bred to today's standard of the game or not. this game has changed so much since I was an active and competitive player all those years ago!