About My Sales:

-All of my horses for sale have a whip bonus, which I don't factor into the selling price at all. 

-A lot of the horses under my "For Sale" tab are in training. I try to sell horses either as foals. If they are newborns, or I finish their games, and start on the correct BLUP schedule (by doing the designated rides) once they hit 18 months. If I don't sell them at either of those times, then I will finish their training, (usually beach rides are finished as well) and make sure that they are 100% BLUPPED before selling. 

-Fully BLUPPED horses, I do factor the time and energy I took to get them there, into the selling price. 

-I also try to add BMI's, such as Achilles Heel, and P. Stroke onto a lot of the horses I sell, that also increases their sell price. 

-All of my horses for sale are negotiable in price. If a horse is at auction, and has no bids, if someone wants it, just PM me. We can figure out a price, then I will take the horse down and reserve it for you! 



-There are a bunch more horses under my "For Sale" tab! All of them are for sale, some of them are up right now, most of them are waiting for an offer.


-I desperately need to clear out some horses! Anything under the tab "For Sale Poss." is up for grabs, just shoot me an offer! 

-Horses in other tabs will also be up for sale, again just shoot an offer!

-Horses under the "High Standards" and "Retired Standards" tab will also be for sale. But please note, (Unless it is a gelding) any standardbred with a GP over 16,000 is not for sale due to team sales release. 



-Hey all, my power has been out since Tuesday evening, my electric company is estimating it will be back on by Saturday evening (the 16th). Hopefully it will be back on and I can get back to work on here! 

Thanks everyone, stay safe


-I regret to announce that any stallion under my "The High Standards" tab with a GP of 14,000 or more will only be offering coverings if you have sent me a PM and asked 4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79.png However if you send me a PM I am more than happy to offer a covering! 


-Cerise, who is in my "English Comp." tab, will be for sale to the right home, just PM if interested. One of my French Trotter unicorns under my "Unicorns" tab will also be for sale to the right home, just shoot me a message and we can get a price figured out!


-Some exciting updates! I recently got my own horse, some pics will be up soon!

- I am thinning out my herd. From now on, any horse under the "other horses tab" will be available for sale. PM me if you are interested!

^^^ Please note: Horses in my other tabs I may also be willing to sell, however the price will be higher, just let me know if one catches your eye! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png


-More horses will be up for sale, I do not have the time to take care of all of them each day 4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79.png if you see one you like, let me know and I am happy to work something out. 

-I have gotten a shire unicorn and will try to be breeding them. 

- I have a few mares of Marwari and Standardbred breeds, if you would like a high GP foal let me know and we can work something out. 


-I am trying to sell a good portion of my horses. However I'm not a huge fan of putting them up, then seeing that they have gone to a collector where they will likely never be used or taken care of again, I will not be putting many out for direct sale. I will be putting some in auction, however if you see a horse you would like, PM me with an offer and I will likely say yes and reserve the horse for you!

-I will be starting a few new forum discussions in my EQ's forum, tips for EQ, and tips for breeding, feel free to post some of your favorite ideas and tips, I am always in need!

7/27: I will be reducing prices on all of my horses for sale, and I will be putting some more up for sale in auction. The ones put up for sale today are not full foundation horses, but they are close. I have also started offering more coverings with some of my horses. 

I will try to have at least 3 horses for sale a week! I am looking to sell some more at the moment, if you see a horse you like let me know!0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png

*Feel free to start conversations in my EQ's Forum!

I love to chat so feel free to message me! I accept all friend requests
-I am an Equestrian Vaulter of 10 years from the united states
- Recent high school graduate
- Hoping to study athletic training/science, or something in equine science
- I LOVE reading. All of my horses are named after characters in my favorite book series, PM me if you think you know which one ;)
- I previously had an account that I had been playing on for over 5 years, but it got deleted due to inactivity :/ so here I am with a fresh start
- I am breeding Standardbreds at the moment, along with some Standardbred unicorns. I hope to move onto draft horses at some point further along.
- I love to collaborate and if you see a horse you like feel free to PM me, I may or may not decide to sell but shoot an offer and it can be discussed.