Hi everyone! I used to play on here a few years ago but life got in the way and I had to stop, but now I'm back and ready to start up again. I AM AN ADULT PLAYER! I’m involved in 4H as a volunteer and absolutely love Jeeps! The Jeep in my picture is my mine!


I breed, train and put my horses in competitions. I don’t belong to any teams at the moment. I’m working on starting a training and selling type thing on here. I will also would like to start doing that for people on here as well! I have not yet come up with anything as it's just an idea still. I will update when I get a better idea of it.I FINALLY have UNICORNS! During my first game, I didn’t have any but now i do! The unicorn breeds I have are Mustangs. Selle Français, Finnish, and Friesians. I will probably get more but those are the ones I currently have. I always offer low price coverings as well so please let me know if you want any of your mares covered. My coverings are always 500e! Check out my For Sale barn for horses!

Probably only in Safe Haven because of the name...
Another one of my horses that I bred put into Safe Haven...

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I'd like; no wait... Forget that. Get on your sleigh, go to Afghanistan, get our soldiers and bring them home. They deserve to be with their families on Christmas. Post this as your page to show respect for the soldiers who won't be coming home for Christmas.
If you don't re-post, I understand. You can't spend 6 seconds of your life to support soldiers.

Found foal game info listed on LeScaryTerri's page.

Feed +3 more fodder than recommended
 8m : groom, play 1 hour, carrot, feed, play 7 1/2 hours, stroke, water.
 10m : groom, play 1 hour, carrot, feed, play 8 hours, stroke, water.
 1y : groom, play 1 hour, carrot, feed, play 9 hours, stroke, water.
 1y 2m : groom, play 2 hours, carrot, feed, play 9 hours, stroke, water.
 1y 4m : groom, play 2 hours, carrot, feed, play 9 1/2 hours, stroke, water.
- Courtesy of Dr Zig