Hello !  

I'm French, and I'm playing on the french version for more than 10 years now (if you want to find me there, I'm titou77 ) , so I know how to play. I'm here to improve my english but also to see the differences between both versions. I like to receive messages so if you want to talk with me, ... go ahead ! enveloppe_v1417164049.png 
I will log in on this version as soon as possible so maybe you need to wait some days (or weeks) but I will answer ;)

If you want more informations about me.... Well, I'm a girl who likes to read (fantastic) and who plays music for a long time.

My login comes from my favorite book : Le Pacte des marchombres by Pierre Bottero (a french author) 
My avatar is a picture of Tiki, a character from Fire Emblem

Have a nice day ;)