PLEASE if you see a horse with an the affix Behold Middle Earth in a fancy font please let me know! That was my old affix I really just want to see my old horses!!

Hello! I'm Tuili! I'mworking on getting the coat colour trophies. I accept friend requests, and I try to congratulate back, but you know how that goes 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png

Finished my Connemara trophy!!!

Now I'm doing Chincoteague Ponies! 01/02/19

LOL why is it taking so long to breed all the coats!! 21/09/19

I just wanted to finish a coat trophy so I bought all the donkeys ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png 03/10/19

I gave up on Chincoteagues, I'm doing Highland ponies now! 17/10/19

I just finished my breeds trophy! 25/10/19

I used a couple Hera's packs to finish my Chincoteague trophy, because I just wanted to finish one LOL 13/01/20

Got my Percheron trophy! 06/02/20

Highland Ponies done!!! 10/03/20

Marwari trophy done!! 16/10/20

Shires done!! 12/04/21

Finished Fjords and Shetlands! 06/12/21

Done Nokotas! 07/12/21

Got my Appaloosas! 23/12/21

Finished Shagya Arabians and Haflingers!! 14/02/22

Sooo a little bit about me is that I am a bit of a fangirl (I say a bit, but really I mean I'm a huge nerd). I have loved basically every BBC show that I have watched, so let me know if there's a good one I'm missing out on. My favourites (hehe there's that spelling "mistake" again) are Merlin, Doctor Who, The Musketeers, and Sherlock. My favourite genre of everything is fantasy, like .... everything. Dragons are just the best, aren't they? Lord of the Rings is my jam and I have a looooot of movie memorabilia and stuff, I just love it. Lord of the Rings is my favourite book series, well, maybe not my favourite, that spot goes to Ranger's Apprentice (seriously that series is amazing if you haven't read it and you like fantasy, you must). 

I play Dungeons and Dragons, well, really I just talk about playing D&D a lot, I don't actually play all that much. But I've started a new campaign with new players and I'm really excited to see how it'll turn out. Fingers crossed better than last time 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png

I am going to college right now for Veterinary Technology. It's super cool! I love animals and science. Someday I hope to work rehabilitating animals to go back into the wild, but I don't know 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

Recently I discovered a website that lets you volunteer by identifying animals in pictures that wildlife cameras have taken. The information is used to help scientists and conservationists with their research! If you really like animals and want to get involved in some sciencey happenings I totally recommend checking out Zooniverse! Not to mention it's really fun and really exciting to look at pictures of animals you may not know much about. I can now recognize an Impala (lol no not the car) by just the pattern of its coat and I found a really epic shot of a leopard!

The thing I hold most dear is my faith. I love Jesus! One of my favourite Bible verses is Matthew 7: 7-8.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

I love talking! So if you want a chat, just pm me!