Welcome To Skyhill

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Hello and welcome to Skyhill!

My name is Ström. I love all animals, but horses are one of my favourites.

I enjoy music, as well as drawing.

Skyhill is placed in a vast forest where our horses are provided with fresh mountain-air, year round. We always make sure to provide them with the best facilities as well. 

Please shoot me a message if you would like to talk, I'm always available.

I live in Denmark so I speak danish, but I also understand quite a bit of swedish and norwegian. I of course know how to introduce myself in german as well.

For the moment we don't have much breeding going on due to the lack of horses we're currently undergoing.

However, my prices will be based on the demand as well as the GP of the horse in question.


Unicorn prices
Mare: 500eq + 1p // 100Keq
Stallion: 30Keq


I'm always looking for horses with a high GP in order to keep up with the demand.