About Me: I am 21, I study Veterinary Technology in Colorado. I Have a lot of furry/scaly friends in my life. I have my pride and joy Clyde who is a Quarter horse/Spanish mustang and I swear he has Arab in him too (My profile picture). A Pitbull/Boxer named Denver, a Border Collie named Miles. 2 Sugar Gliders named Momo and Stitch. 2 Rats, Lucy and Olive. 2 Ball Pythons named William Snakespeare and Squeezie Nicks. And last but not least, a beta fish named Garbage. All of whom are rescues. (I don't support the buying/selling of any of these animals, ADOPT DON'T SHOP. | About My Game: I breed whatever breeds I can get my hands on. I am just all about high Genetic Potential. If you want a custom foal, please let me know, and I will breed 2 horses of your choosing from my breeding farm My Horses and sell you the foal for 6000 equus. Right now, I breed high GP Arabians and Thoroughbreds, I will let you guys know as I get more high GP breeding pairs of some more breeds! This is something new that I'm trying out and I hope you guys are interested! Help be part of the experiment and let me know if you think it's a good idea! | |||