Hello all! I was on howrse a couple years ago as superchick12, back when average-ish GP was in the 1200's. I quit playing because I had just started high school, and got into sports, clubs and working, and I had no time at all lol, now I'm at Kansas State University and trying to find a stress reliever for when the gym is closed haha. If anybody wants to buy a horse, Im willing to part with all for the right price ;) I do reserve the right to negotiate though :)) just pm me the name of the horse and we'll talk!

about me: I'm 21, I live with my dog, Steve, who is a lab?/mutt mixed with the neediest baby youve ever met. I'm a Kinesiology major and want to be a physical therapist eventually but school is expensive and I dont want a lot of loans, so I'll be starting out at a Physical Therapists Assistant.
My fiance,devon, who is the most amazing human I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, (ladies dont give up. dont settle for anything less that someone who will cherish you, take care of you, listen, be honest with you and love you unconditionally!!!) is in the military and if you feel like hearing a the "how we met story" just shoot me a pm, I love telling it over and over! 

As far as on here, mostly I focus on gypsy vanners, but kinda started poking around with uni's and draft horses :)

Anyway, thats all I can really think of right now because its almost 11 and ya girl woke up pretty dang early this morning, happy howrseing!