Hey everybody!! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

About my game: I am a non-pass buyer so I am always looking for passes and BMIs! If there is a (p) next to a horses name that's just how I keep track on which are purebreds 

I will happily trade one of my horses for BMIs!

BMIs I am looking for: Nyx Pack, Golden Apple, Chronos' Timer, Harmony Pack

I am currently working on building up multiple different breeds with a GP over 10,000. My best breed right now are my thoroughbreds but I am also working on Gypsy Vanner, Lusitano, Fjord, Arabian, Marwari, Paint, Shetland, Friesian, Mustang, KWPN, and Purebred Spanish Horse.

Feel free to message me if you are interested in a covering offer. I will reserve one from any of my stallions for 500 Equus!

I have a lot of good foals and I can't wait until they are grown!! I am always in desperate need of aging points ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

If you are interested in any of my horses I am always willing to negotiate but some will NOT be for sale.

If you would like to breed one of your stallions with one of my mares I will take a 500 Equus covering and sell you the foal for 4500-7000 Equus, depending on the GP and skills; we can figure a price out together!

Every horse in my AP horse tab is for sale! FOR THE RIGHT PRICE

I accept all friend requests, so feel free to friend me!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, happy howrseing!!!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png