Hi there! My name is Nat and I'm a 16 year old bonehead from California who loves coding, horses, and Christian Slater. Some of my favorite hobbies include coding, horseback riding, skateboarding, reading, writing, drawing, and a whole bunch of other stuff! I think my favorite Christian Slater movie is probably Gleaming the Cube, but Heathers and Mobsters are two close seconds. If you wanna be friends with me, send me a PM! I'd love to talk to you! 
Currently I'm trying to breed purebred Standardbred horses and BLUP them all. It's slow work but I'm getting there! I'm also trying to breed Standardbred unicorns, and some Kerry Bogs on the side for profit. I sell BLUPed coat duplicates so keep an eye out for those! If you have any questions PM me :)