Hello there! Thank you for coming to my page and for looking at my horses! I am a friendly player and will accept any friend requests. I will help any way that I can, and I will try my best to congratulate you back.

Here's a little tid bit about me: I'm an adult player and I'm going to college to be a veterinarian technician. I've loved animals my entire life. I have one cat named Cocoa. My grandpa raised Clydesdales when I was growing up and that started my love of horses. I've always wanted a horse of my own but I haven't been able to do that yet.

Horse sales: If you want one of my horses, I will give you a price if that horse is available for sale.

Coverings: If you want one of my stallions to cover one of your mares, I will gladly reserve a covering for you.

If you want me to make a custom horse for you with a stallion and mare of my own, I will sell the foal to you for $6000.

I accept any friend requests that come my way! 

Good luck and have a wonderful day!!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France