Hello! Welcome to my page!

I'm a female player and I play semi-seriously!

I breed Gypsy Vanners with GPs varying between 11400-11500. I'm aiming to get the highest GP possible.
I'm looking for any Purebred GVs with GPs about 11500 or higher for reasonable prices.

And if you have any unwanted horses and need Equus fast you may put any horse varying from 500-3000 on my private sales!

I accept all friend requests and you may PM me for a plain conversation or if you have any questions! :D

Some things about me:
-I'm female as stated before
-I'm a young player 
-I play every day as I have basically no life lol.

I'm also seeking for a second team to maximize my horses GP development and learning new things about howrse and meeting new people!