About Me
My name is Abby, and I am a twenty-two-year-old follower of Jesus, glasses-wearing redhead, and college student working towards a degree in economics.  Personality-wise, I'm an INTP, which makes me a pretty unruffled and reserved person :)
My interests include economics, Christian apologetics, literature of many genres, Hamilton, personality typology, sci-fi, anything Vegebul, and various oddities. Feel free to drop me a line.
Textboxes by the talented кιтѕυηє
Avatar by @mienar on tumblr 
My Game
Returning semi-casual player and occasional pass buyer.
My main focus right now is on breeding and blupping 11k gp Selles. Check them out under the iɴᴛeʀsᴛeʟʟᴀᴙ seʟʟes tab if you like. I am taking offers on any untrained foals with 3300 IBS or less -- just PM me.
I am slowly building up my equus and BMI reserves.
In the future, I will be looking to buy:
WoYs, C. Timers, and A. Tears in bulk [ prices coming soon ]