a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.pngI am an adult player.  Get permission before messaging me, please.a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

Name: Meadow
Age: 36
Likes: Literature (Juliet Marillier, Jean Plaidy, Mercedes Lackey, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, John Milton etc. etc.), Music (classical, indie rock/indie pop, baroque pop/chamber pop, art rock/art pop, neo soul, folk), Art (painting, film and photography), Writing (fantasy, historical fiction), Animals (I love dogs especially), Tea (herbal tea yum) and Stringed Instruments (violins, cellos, violas especially).
Hobbies: I write, read voraciously; I will play my violin(s) again*, I hug my pup (he is an elderly Golden Labrador) as often as possible and I like to swim.

* I have Psoriatic Arthritis and Fibromyalgia.  I hope with therapy and treatment I will be able to play again.  I wasn't half-bad once upon a time!  Also, if you have any questions about aforementioned diseases, I am happy to answer them.

I won't sell any of my immortal horses.